2023 Collective: 10 British Filipino Vloggers & Content Creators to be inspired by

We have a bunch of Filipino Vlogger friends that we’d like you to meet. They make detailed unboxing and reviews of the latest happenings and clashes between British and Filipino culture. We’re not only ranking on the usual traffic, social media followers and domain authority; but more so on freshness, delivery and sociable-ness. So yes I am delighted to recommend them as creatives to follow and be inspired by:
Ray Roberts

Talented and humble in my opinion. The self labelled “Filmmaker. Photographer and Mediocre YouTuber” is Passionate about cinema, creativity, food culture, and reconnecting with his Asian heritage! ✨ It’s been a minute since his last video at the time of this writing but one his content is very engaging and personal. ‘Being Half Asian’ is certainly my favourite. The East London based creative produces various works ranging from narrative to documentary and music video.
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/RayRoberts/videos
IG: https://www.instagram.com/rayroberts/
TW: https://twitter.com/rayroberts_
Luther’s Online

Luther shares everything from tips into getting into Oxford University with no A-Levels all the way sharing adventures and thoughts about life. Growing up as a British Filipino, dual-nationalisms and sharing content with other FilSoc Bloggers across the UK; Luther juggles his studies and uses Vlogging as both outlet and intuition to bless his viewers with vibrant content about pretty much everything - including rating every coffee shop in Birmingham. Let’s also remember Adobo, nilaga, tinola, and sinigang. These are four dishes that many grew up with and associated with being Filipino.
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXY4Ti0Qt_HQeNew1_sM9aQ
IG: https://www.instagram.com/luthersonline/?hl=en
Jasmin Lees-Godito

British Dad speaking Tagalog and Karaoke; Growing up as ‘halfies’; Filipno vs. English Breakfast and childhood memories ares some of the memorable content Jsamin shares on her vegan friendly platform. Sometimes UK, Sometimes US but the currently based family centred Jasmine shares everything from family quizzes, beauty and skin care and food. Spicy Noodles and starting your own Filipino product business should also be mentioned.
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/JasminLeesGodito/videos
IG: https://www.instagram.com/jasminlees/
EM: jasminleesgodito@gmail.com
The Maddocks (British-Filipina)

The long-distance love story that will melt your heart away. The Maddocks are a British and Filipina couple who found love in the time of Coronavirus. What started as a long distance relationship is now a weekly content YT channel narrating on all-sorts from camping to cooking to travels and more. Bilingual Lea (Bisaya and Tagalog) along with Matt (English) also practically speak all three languages within all of their videos so don’t be fooled by the often Bisaya and Tagolog titled videos - there’s a language for everyone.
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheMaddocks/featured
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheMaddocks
IG: https://www.instagram.com/the_maddocks/
TK :https://www.tiktok.com/@themaddocks
A Filipina in the UK

The channel name pretty much sums them all up. This channel is about giving you an idea how a Filipino can live a simple happy life in the UK. An honest Dem makes it no secret is her dream to marry a foreigner whilst she was young and in the Philippines. The dream came true when she met Spence in 2009. The romance and travels continued when she moved to the UK in Jan 2010 and married a few months later. Their son Jack was born in December the same year. Dem speaks about the differences between both sets of cultures; food; gardening, migration topics and more. There is always an honest and hilarious conversation between the both of them. The ‘How We Me’ video illustrates this very much. Dem spends her time looking after Jack when Spence is a fork lift truck driver. They have a small multi-acre site holding with Chickens for eggs and meat. Also a few Sheep and a large organic vegetable garden. They grow most of their own food naturally without chemicals. “What we like doing is eating food we grow ourselves.”
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh6lzOmiZIagz4tqaU69tyA/videos
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dem.platt.18
Manong George - Filipino Nurse in the UK

Fantastic channel. Smart. Clean and professional vibes and presented. Manong George is a UK filipino nurse with over 12 years experience whose main aim is to represent the experiences and common dilemmas Filipino nurses in the UK and abroad face. Not only those that are practicing or wish to become; but also those who are registered nursing professionals and have left the profession. Manong charges the FilipinoUKNurse platform sharing valuable events, guides, resources and content with the aim of supporting, building and connecting nurses abroad and throughout the United Kingdom. Manong George makes videos about life in the UK and different practices of nursing in the UK. They also do interviews of other Filipinos, from those whose voices want to be heard to those whose stories will hopefully inspire you.
Visit and sign up to https://www.filipinouknurse.com the website for present and future UK Filipino Nurses, made by Filipino UK nurses. To get the latest new, articles and stories from you Pinoy Nurses.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/manonggeorgeuk/?hl=en
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoHcRUQiJaeUve1136k1XDg/videos
FB: https://www.facebook.com/manonggeorgeuk/
Filipino British Couple

Hosting students for home cooked filipino meals, Family quizzes and Q&A’s and visiting some rather picturesque beaches south of the m25 are just some of the musings Jaybie from the Philippines and Emma from England get up to on their channel;. They took some time out but returned this year a new cat! They visit the length and breadth of the South East, showing you “life in the thirties” as they work, save and share with their viewers. They love creating videos to show you their life together whilst they navigate the difference in our cultures and always try to meet in the middle 💕
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGXsS5BC_0EB7Qjx_jsEyWQ/videos
IG: https://www.instagram.com/filipinobritishcouple/
Mia Sondoval

Mia is happily marries and residing in the UK. She makes no secret she is happy within an age gap relationship and living in a rural area.. A large farm and greenhouse and natural living are what you can expect from her visuals. The Philippines has long been producing natural, organic, and healthy agricultural products as well as nutritionally-dense foods . Mia is an excellent cook also! You can learn how to serve Gising Gising ,Tanigue Kinilaw, Chicken Tinola, Ensaladang Pako, Ginisang Ampalaya, Nilaga and more.
YT: https://www.youtube.com/c/MiaSandovalvlog
IG: https://www.instagram.com/miasandoval0001/?hl=en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/mia.sandoval.925059
Danica Haban

Danica Haban is a Filipino nurse in the UK. It's all about nursing, travel, struggles, fun and life here in England 🤎. She is a registered nurse from the Philippines based in the UK. The NHS band 5 ED nurse (Emergency department) is now is Optha (Ophthalmology Department/Eye Clinic) and is loving it. She does vlogs about nursing and the reality of life in the UK.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/NurseDanica
IG: https://www.instagram.com/danikajoys/
Written by Tholani Alli