Active Asian Community Networks & Organisations Near Me (London 2023)

In and around London one will find various organisations dedicated to the aid and wellbeing of our community. Upon a quick directory glance however you will find many of them out of date, permanently closed or rebranded, renamed and moved elsewhere. In answer to these dilemmas; this list has been compiled of active
Southeast and East Asian networks and community centres for young professionals, those in need and networking purposes alike.
Southeast and East Asian Centre (SEEAC)
Insta: /seeac_UK * FB: /seeac.cic.UK * LinkedIn: /seeacUK

Southeast and East Asian Centre (SEEAC) is a welcoming home to the migrants, refugees and anyone of Southeast and East Asian heritage in the UK. Exactly what I like to hear!
The London Chinese Community Centre
Phone: 020 7439 3822 * Enquiries: * FB: /TheLondonCCC * Insta: /theLondonCCC

The London Chinese Community Centre was founded in 1979 and was the first Chinese Community Centre in the UK. It was pioneered by Dr Abraham Lue. Dr. Lue was a volunteer teacher at the Chinese Language School in Euston. LCCC empowers members of the Chinese community, working with them to meet their needs and preserving our culture and heritage.
East Asian Lawyers Organisation

The mission of EALO is two-fold:
- To raise awareness of the lack of East Asians moving through the pipeline to senior positions, and to contribute to changing the current reality; and
- To provide a platform/safe space for East Asians.
Phone: 020 7691 3210 * Enquiries: * FB: / * Twitter: /akademi * Insta: /akademidance * YouTube: /

Akademi are the beating heart of South Asian Dance in the UK. They seek to develop artists, inspire audiences and enhance lives by creating, commissioning and nurturing classical, contemporary, popular and participatory South Asian dance in the UK.
FB: /HackneyChineseCommunityServices * Enquiries: * Twitter: /HackneyChinese

HCCS were founded in 1985 and continue to serve our local East and South East Asian community until today. Within East London and beyond;
As a charity, we provide a number of services for our local community. Find out more about us, our latest news and services on our site.
Royal Society for Asian Affairs
FB: /RoyalAsianAffairs * Enquiries: * Phone: 020 7235 5122 * Insta: /RoyalSocietyforAsianAffairs

The Royal Society for Asian Affairs has been involved in advancing the knowledge of Asia since 1901. It upholds free speech and open debate, is independent of governments and political bodies and does not take institutional positions on issues of policy at its meetings or in its publications.
South Asian Arts UK
Enquiries: * Insta: /southasianartsUK * FB: /SouthAsianArtsUK

South Asian Arts-uk (SAA-uk) is the centre of excellence in Indian classical music and dance. Since our creation back in June 1997, we have been a pioneering charity organisation, focused on celebrating and educating South Asian Classical dance and music, as well as pushing the boundaries of how traditional and contemporary South Asian arts are taught, performed and experienced by audiences.
Society of Asian Lawyers
Insta: /SocietyOfAsianLawyers * Enquiries:

The Society of Asian Lawyers aim to promote and to develop the legal profession within the Asian community in the UK; and also to represent its members and to support, develop and encourage Asians within the legal profession so as to assist them in their career aspirations consistent with the overall objective of enhancing diversity and equality of opportunity within the legal profession and the judiciary,.
British Association for South Asian Studies
Enquiries: * Twitter: /BasasOfficial

The British Association for South Asian Studies is one of the world's leading learned societies for the study of South Asia. It is committed to supporting advanced research in the humanities and social sciences of South Asia through international collaborations, conferences and workshops, lectures, research groups, publications and online discussions.
South Asian Health Foundation
Enquiries: * Telephone Number: 07807 069719 * Twitter: /SouthAsianHF * Insta: /SouthAsianHF

Have you heard of the South Asian Health Foundation? You have now! They are a registered charity founded in 1999 to promote good health in the UK’s South Asian communities; and are one of the UK’s leading British Asian health charities. Their aim is to assist persons living in the U.K., particularly those of South Asian origin, who are experiencing conditions of sickness, hardship or distress in particular by supporting organizations; implementing and establishing developmental projects which serve the needs of those persons and improve their conditions of need.
Asian Resource Centre of Croydon
Twitter: /ARCCltd * FB: /ARCCltd * Insta: /ARCCltd * Enquiries: * YouTube: /ARCCltd

Asian Resource Centre of Croydon was established in 1999 as a charitable organisation with a view of bringing together Asian Communities & Businesses. Their mission is to support, develop and promote voluntary/community activity that enhances the quality of life in Croydon.
The Sharan Project
Enquiries: * FB: /TheSharanProject * Insta: /thesharanproject * Twitter: /sharan_project

Sharan offer free impartial, confidential and culturally sensitive support, advice and information on key life skills and information on a range of issues including health, housing, employment, education, financial, and legal.
The Sharan Project is a national charity supporting South Asian women in the UK who have been or are at risk of being disowned by their families/communities due to persecution or abuse, to include Forced Marriage, Domestic Violence, Honour Abuse and Cultural Conflict.
Asian Women Resource Centre
Enquiries: * FB: /AsianWomenResourcecentre * Twitter: /AWRCofficial * Insta: /awrcentre

The AWRC (Asian Women Resource Centre) was established over 40 years ago and is a pioneer of services for BME women experiencing domestic abuse. The women they serve inspire them to continue their work for the next 40 years, leaving a legacy for the local community and beyond.
Written by Tholani Alli
Telephone: 020 8443 1197 * Email: * FB: /Eawa_Enfield * Insta: /eawa_enfield
Enfield Asian Women’s Association currently provide a Day Care Centre for Asian elderly people. It has a mixed client group ranging from isolated/frail to more in ‘need of care’ and those with dementia. They also provide:
Yoga and chair based exercise - Seated Qi Gong/Tai Chi - A hot lunch (Indian vegetarian) - Indian head massage and reflexology - Flower arranging - Toenail cutting & trimming - Transport to and from the centre - Workshops on healthy eating and well-being - Christmas/Diwali/Eid parties, and summer outings - A knitting circle, arts and crafts, singing, speakeasy sessions and much more - Socialising with those living locally - Respite for carers and special dementia activity equipment
Enquiries: * Insta: /besean * Twitter: /besea.n
besea.n aim to empower, educate and embrace East and South East Asian (ESEA) communities in the UK.
Our advocacy spotlights ESEA experiences through our platforms and events - providing a safe space for sharing knowledge, creating joy and fostering connections.
Enquiries: * FB: /AsianArtLondon * Insta: /AsianArtLondon * YouTube: /AsianArtinLondon
Asian Art in London
Every year, Asian Art in London attracts large numbers of international visitors to London and into our galleries and auction houses. This annual celebration is supported by a printed guidebook detailing the exciting exhibitions and auctions held by our Participants, together with information on museums, cultural institutions and publications specialising in Asian art. Our two leading sponsors, Apollo and Antiques Trade Gazette, sponsor awards for the outstanding works of art.
Enquiries: * FB: /apda-apda * Insta: /apda_2022
The Asian People's Disability Alliance (APDA) is a user-led registered charity of Asian Disabled People
Providing culturally sensitive support and services to London’s disabled communities for over 30 years